2024 4th International Conference on Smart City Engineering and Public Transportation (SCEPT 2024)
Keynote Speaker
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Prof. Xinwei Yao

Zhejiang University of Technology, China


Xinwei Yao, Ph.D., currently serves as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Computer Science and Technology at Zhejiang University of Technology. He is also the Vice President of the Frontier Cross Science Research Institute at Zhejiang University of Technology, a renowned youth in Zhejiang Province, and one of the top ten young technology talents in Hangzhou. The main research areas are the basic theories, core technologies, and comprehensive solutions of intelligent Internet of Things, swarm intelligence perception and collaboration, and intelligent robots. The scientific research achievements have won 7 provincial and ministerial level awards, including the National Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Excellent Youth Award (the first recipient in Zhejiang Province), the Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Technology Progress First Prize, the Second Prize for Technological Invention, the Second Prize for Technological Invention in Zhejiang Province, and the Second Prize for Science and Technology of the China Coal Industry Association, Published over 80 academic papers, including over 30 TOP journals such as IEEE TMC, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE IoT-J, IEEE TCAD, etc. One paper is highly cited in the journal, with three English monographs and three chapters published, and one Chinese work published. We have obtained over 20 national invention patents and over 10 software copyrights. Hosted more than 30 scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Project, General Project), Zhejiang Provincial Outstanding Youth Science Fund, Zhejiang Provincial "Top Soldier" and "Leading Wild Goose" Projects, and Zhejiang Provincial "Unveiling and Leading" Major Enterprise Entrusted Projects. Serve as editor or guest editor for multiple international journals, chairman or committee member of multiple international conferences; Served as reviewers for over 50 top international academic journals and international academic conferences. At the same time, I have hosted multiple major horizontal projects such as the "Intelligent Internet of Things Integrated Platform" and "Intelligent Robot System", and have successfully applied them in practical scenarios such as State Grid, Hangzhou Urban Brain, and Future Community, generating significant economic benefits and social value.



Prof. Xin Yang

Beijing Jiaotong University, China


Xin Yang, professor and doctoral supervisor of the State Key Laboratory of Rail Transit Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University. Main research directions: Systems Science, Transportation Planning and Management, Intelligent Control and Optimization of Transportation, Safety and Reliability of Rail Transit Systems, Control Engineering, Transportation (Professional Degree), Artificial Intelligence, etc. He has undertaken many projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and State Key Laboratory. At present, more than 50 academic papers have been published in well-known domestic and international journals such as the Transportation Research series, IEEE Transactions series, China Management Science, and Railway Journal. Among them, 5 papers (4 first authors and 1 corresponding author) have been selected as highly cited papers by ESI (the top 1% globally), and 1 paper has been included in the database of major technological innovation achievements in transportation.



Assoc. Prof. Zhengang Feng

Chang'an University, China


Zhengang Feng, male, with a PhD in engineering and postdoctoral experience, is an excellent doctoral thesis recipient in Hubei Province. I am currently an associate professor at the School of Highway Engineering at Chang'an University, a master's supervisor, and the deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Road Structure and Materials Transportation Industry. Mainly engaged in research and teaching of road construction materials and interdisciplinary fields, led and participated in multiple projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Science and Technology Support Program, the Applied Basic Research Project of the Ministry of Transportation, the Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and the Shaanxi Provincial Association for Science and Technology Youth Talent Promotion Project. Published 54 academic papers in domestic and foreign publications, including 30 SCI and EI citations, 11 authorized patents, 1 participation in the compilation of transportation industry standards, 3 monographs, 1 second prize of the Science and Technology Award of the China Highway Society, 1 second prize of the Science and Technology Award of the China Steel Structure Association, and 1 third prize of the Science and Technology Award of the China Highway Construction Industry Association.
